Strawberry Festival Sign Ups


Sign up in Wilton Hall or on line: 


Strawberry Picking 

Picking Strawberries at Jones Farm is one of several rewarding and important volunteer opportunities for the MCC Strawberry Festival. Volunteer to pick berries in the mornings of June; Fri., Sat & Sun . Pick one morning or join our chairperson Josh Post for all three mornings!



image-cSnr1EStrawberry Dipping

Who doesn't love chocolate dipped strawberries?! Volunteer to at this station an learn how to make them!  




image-OWHKUnStrawberry Sorting

After the strawberries are picked they need to be sorted for three purposes: 1-Berries for Strawberry Pies, 2- Berries for Dipping, 3- Berries for hulling and slicing. Join some friends and have fun while helping with this very important                                               job.    


image-WlW8vvStrawberry Festival Set Up  

Can you spare some time on Friday, June 16th to help with our Strawberry Festival set up?  

Strawberry Hulling & Slicing Sign Upimage-VEcghK

Slice the berries into  a bowl and save the hulled tops for the MCC Giving Garden compost.  Tables will be ready for you in Wilton hall this year instead of the kitchen. If it's hot, don't worry.... we rented a few extra-large fans! 


image-M9W0gVThe Expeditors Sign Up –Something NEW!

What's it all about, what will I be doing? Similar to an Expeditor in the kitchen of a restaurant, you are responsible for collecting and packing up customer's orders. The Expeditors will be stationed in Wilton Hall near the back doors where shortcake assembly used to be. Expeditors take in one order at a time from a Berry Runner, packs it all up, and returns it to the same Berry Runner, who then returns the completed order to the customer. 


Strawberry Fest WHIPPED CREAMFouetter la crème (Whipped Cream)

You can't make shortcake without the whipped cream! ...and so true it is. It's the topping on the top that tops off the best strawberry shortcake anyone has ever had. 


What's itall about, what will I be doing? Over the past several festivals,  Whip Cream Chef David Walker has become the go-to person for Whipping Cream. As in all volunteer positions, we would like to have a few people learn and share volunteer hours. David is relentless in his pursuit of the perfect batch of whip cream for the Strawberry Pies and Shortcakes and you too can share this passion for dairy perfection! 

Strawberry Fest Take Order

"Order Takers"

So, what's it all about? We will have a few tents set up this year where customers have the opportunity to purchase everything we sell at the festival. Once they place their order and pay for it, the Berry Runners will go to Wilton Hall to have the order fulfilled and then meet the customer with the complete order. 

Strawberry Shortcake


Shortcake Assembly Biscuit, Ice cream, Berries & Whipped!




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