Children's Sunday School

Sunday School 2Register your child(ren)/youth here


At the Monroe Congregational Church, we believe that faith is a journey, not a destination. Our Christian Education program is based on the belief that each person is gifted by God. All are welcomed with open hearts and open minds into a safe and judgment free environment. Faith is developed through relationships (peer to peer and intergenerational), biblical stories and mission oriented experiences in the church, local and global community. Our goal: to develop a faith that will carry us through life.


During worship, we provide a nursery room stocked with toys and a large TV that streams the worship service. Sunday School runs during the service on most Sundays, mid-September through May, for children from four years of age through 6th grade. Our classrooms groups are ages 4-2nd grade and 3rd-6th and we utilize "Living the Word" curriculum that follows the same narrative lectionary that is used in worship.


There are many ways to participate in the Sunday School program, even if you've never done so before. We always need teachers, assistants and substitutes to help the Sunday School program run smoothly. To get involved, please reach out to our Christian Education Coordinator.....


Praying with Children

Plan specific times and places to pray. If you are a Sunday School teacher, prayer can be used as an opening to the lesson, before a snack, and as a benediction or closing when the children are dismissed. 

  • Use prayer-related Bible verses, hymns, and other stories as a way to help children recognize prayer as their way to talk and listen to God.(Ps 119:105, adapt a Bible verse used for the day)
  • Introduce silence in brief amounts, increasing the time as the children become comfortable with silence.
  • Use common prayers, like the Lord's Prayer. Talk about the meaning of the words as you repeat each phrase, or use easier to understand synonyms.
  • Take a field trip outside, or ask what makes them happy. Invite the children to find examples of God's goodness. Offer prayers of thanksgiving for all the blessings from God.
  • Use guides. There are many available online. I like the finger prayers, using a hand as a reminder: "My thumb is closest to my heart. Pray for my family. My index finger points and guides me. Pray for those who teach and heal. My middle finger stands taller than the rest. Remember to pray for role models and the leaders of the world. My ring finger is weak and cannot stand alone well. Pray for the weak and the sick. My pinkie finger is the smallest. Remember to pray for myself." (Good reminders!)
  • Pray how you pray! (If this is a comfortable method of prayer for you, share it!)
  • Rhyming and poetry: (They help with memorizing!

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