First Time Visitor?

Seeker [seek-er], noun = a person who seeks

Worship 10:00am on Sundays

Worship 2

pdf2016 Visitor Brochure.pdf

What to Expect When You Arrive

As you enter our Meetinghouse, you will be greeted by an usher. If you have any questions about how to find the bathrooms or the nursery, don't hesitate to ask! As you enter the sanctuary doors, an usher will hand you a bulletin. This is an instruction manual for worship service. You can follow the order of the service, the parts in italics are when the congregation reads or sings, the places where you see an asterix is when you stand. Don't worry about getting it right the first time, just follow your neighbor and you'll soon catch on! There are Bibles and hymnals in the pews. If you are worshiping with children, they are welcome to stay with you or you may take them to our wonderful Sunday School. After the worship service, there is a fellowship time in the Wilton Hall with coffee, tea and treats for the little ones.


Is there a Dress Code?

You will notice people wearing anything from suits and dresses to jeans and jogging suits. Feel free to come as you are.


What does MCC believe?

We are an open and affirming, covenantal church community who embraces the idea that

"God is Still Speaking" to us through the preaching and teaching of scripture. We believe

God has created each one of us with special gifts, and we are called to develop them and

offer them to the world. We have ordained pastors, but all our members are considered ministers. We observe the Lord's Supper (Communion, Eucharist) on the first Sunday of every month, and we offer baptism to those who want to follow the way of Jesus Christ.


How do we worship at MCC?

Worship is on Sunday mornings at 10am. It includes the important elements of praying, preaching, and singing together. We are also blessed with a variety of musical offerings including the Adult Choir, Bell Choir and Folk Band. Children are welcome to stay with you or attend our Sunday School program. Childcare for little ones is also available in our nursery.

How do I join this church?

If you are interested in making a commitment to this faith community, start with attending a few worship services or smaller events. Next, speak with a deacon or pastor so that they can answer any questions you may have and tell you about our next New Member Informational.

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