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Seeker [seek-er], noun = a person who seeks

Worship 5At MCC, we believe that each one of us in on a spiritual journey. In this way, we are all seekers, looking for authentic community, engaging worship and ways to grow and develop our faith in today's world. You may have been raised in another faith tradition (or none at all), or you might be a cradle Congregationalist. You may want to become involved right away, or maybe you need a place where it is OK to just be. You may be looking for spiritual nurture for a member of your family, or you may be here for yourself. What makes our church different is that we truly believe "whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome here." And we mean it.

What does MCC believe?

We are an open and affirming, covenantal church community who embraces the idea that

"God is Still Speaking" to us through the preaching and teaching of scripture. We believe

God has created each one of us with special gifts, and we are called to develop them and

offer them to the world. We have ordained pastors, but all our members are considered ministers. We observe the Lord's Supper (Communion, Eucharist) on the first Sunday of every month, and we offer baptism to those who want to follow the way of Jesus Christ.

Who are the Congregationalists?

Congregationalists are one of the historic streams of what is now called the United Church

of Christ. We trace our heritage to the Pilgrims of colonial America and the founding of Monroe.

Who is the United Church of Christ?

Our denominational ties are with the UCC. The way we organize ourselves flows from the bottom

-up, with members of each local congregation making their own decisions about clergy

leadership, vision and mission. Although the Monroe Congregational Church is an autonomous congregation, we are in covenant with other UCC local churches to share the mission work that no congregation is able to do on its own.

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