Our Polity
Our history in the United Church of Christ informs our polity (the way we are organized and govern ourselves). Christ is the head of the church. We are a non-hierarchical, "bottom up" structure, where lay members are the most important part of the organization. In our local church (MCC), governance is autonomous and covenantal. Read more in our 2023.Jan. Revised MCC Constitution.pdf
2023.Jan. MCC Bylaws.pdf
Local churches are organized into Associations (who are responsible for ministerial standing and other duties). We are a member of the Fairfield East Association, along with twenty two other local UCC churches. Associations are organized into Conferences (mostly geographic) who meet annually and are responsible for statewide ministry and missions. The entire church meets every two years at a Synod gathering to vote on important proclamations which speak to (not for) the church.
MCC has a board / committee structure of about 80 lay leaders who are responsible to the congregation as a whole. A slate of leaders is voted upon at every annual meeting. Boards and committees meet on a monthly basis and make important plans and decisions. Board and committee chairs report on monthly activity, and coordinate efforts at a monthly council meeting with other chairs, executive officers and the pastors.
Leadership Boards
The Deacons guide the overall spiritual direction of the church. In partnership with the Pastor, they help lead worship, offering support and supervision to those who contribute to the worship service, including musicians, greeters, ushers, and others. The diaconate also welcomes new members to the church and oversees the membership roles
The Trustees are responsible for the finances and property of the church. They coordinate the annual fund raising campaign, supervise the Receiver and Treasurer, oversee investments, and coordinate the maintenance of our buildings and grounds.
The Board of Christian Education seeks to encourage the spiritual growth of all members of the church. The board oversees all aspects of the Church School, maintains the library, and supervises our youth groups and adult education programs.
The Board of Christian Outreach provides opportunities to give of ourselves in and beyond our local communities. Through hands-on work, financial giving, and educational programs, the board helps us to live out our faith in daily life.
The Board of Christian Fellowship works to facilitate events that connects us as friends and community such as coffee hour, Homecoming, Book Club and other special events.